Psoriasis is a chronic (long-lasting) disease. It develops when a person’s immune system sends faulty signals that tell skin cells to grow too quickly. New skin cells form in days rather than weeks. The body does not shed these excess skin cells. The skin cells pile up on the surface of the skin, causing patches of psoriasis to appear. to get psoriasis, a person must inherit the genes that cause it.
Though there is no cure for psoriasis, there are many effective treatments available, ranging from topical creams and ointments, to oral medications, to systemic biologic medications used to modify the body’s immune response, and focal treatment of the skin with UV light.
At Tribeca Park Dermatology, we use the Pharos Excimer laser to deliver safe and effective Narrow Band (NB) UVB light to treat stubborn, localized plaques of psoriasis, when clinically indicated. The use of NB-UVB can help spare the skin the effects of chronic topical corticosteroid use and can, at times, induce a long lasting clinical remission.
Vitiligo causes the skin to lose its natural color. Patches of lighter skin appear. Some people develop only a few patches while others lose much more skin color. Vitiligo can also affect other parts of the body, with sections of hair turning white, color loss inside the mouth, and even changes in eye color. Vitiligo is an auto-immune process, but what causes this color loss is still a mystery.
Though there is no cure for vitiligo, there are treatments available, ranging from the use of topical creams and ointments to the treatment of the skin with UV light, also called phototherapy. At tribeca Park Dermatology, we use the Pharos Excimer laser to deliver safe and effective Narrow Band (NB) UVB light to treat stubborn, localized patches of vitiligo, when clinically indicated. The use of NB-UVB can help spare the skin the effects of chronic topical corticosteroid use and, at times, induce a long lasting clinical remission.
A photosensitizer is apples to the skin and a light source (LED) is used to activate destruction of pre-cancerous cells. This in-office treatment effectively clears actinic keratosis and reverses sun damage while also improving the overall cosmetic appearance of the skin. This form of photodynamic therapy allows for much broader treatment of sun-damaged and pre-cancerous skin that traditional cryosurgery and, when compared to topical therapies for actinic keratosis, requires less time to achieve comparable results. A consultation in the office is used to develop a unique treatment protocol for each individual and select the optimal paring of light source and photosensitizer.
”Photodynamic therapy is an excellent option for someone looking to treat broad areas of sun damaged skin with the shortest overall time from treatment to recovery.”
For those who have tried numerous methods to get acne under control, including oral and topical medications and are still not seeing the progress they are seeking, there are a number of elective treatments for acne offered at Tribeca Park Dermatology that may be considered. These include the use of chemical peels, photodynamic therapy, alternating Omnilux Red/Blue LED therapy and Forever Clear BBL.
Forever Clear BBL is a cutting-edge acne treatment that uses the power of light to comfortably and effectively clear acne without creams or medicine. BBL is the world’s most powerful IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) device delivering light energy deep into your skin to stimulate and regenerate your skin cells, leaving you with clear, healthy radiant skin.
”Photodynamic therapy is an important option for people who have tried standard therapies for acne and are looking for something different.”
Hyperhidrosis is a condition defined by excessive sweating. Although sweating is a normal bodily function, in some people sweating goes far beyond the normal thermoregulatory response. Typically, people with hyperhidrosis have excessive sweating in the armpits and hands. When sever, hyperhidrosis can cause problems with self esteem, professional confidence, and interpersonal relationships. Botox can be injected into the armpits to eliminate severe, excessive sweating. We will work with your insurance carrier to obtain coverage for the medication and procedure, provided the severity of your condition meets the established criteria.
“Of all the treatments that I perform in my office, botox injections for someone with severe sweating arguably has the biggest impact on quality of life.”
We offer a number of novel treatments for warts beyond traditional cryosurgery. These include intralesional injections of bleomycin, intralesional immunotherapy (Candida antigen) and application of topical agents such as Cantharadin and Podophyllin.
Allergic contact dermatitis is responsible for approximately half of all contact dermatitis cases. Patients with persistent, unresolved contact dermatitis can suffer for years with a diminished quality of life and increased medical treatment costs. However, the condition can be effectively treated once an accurate diagnosis is obtained. Patch testing is a simple procured to help diagnose allergic contact dermatitis and identify the causative agent(s). Path Testing is performed in the office utilizing the standard 20 allergen True Test.